Thursday, November 09, 2006

This morning I picked up a paper to see where the election results stood. I knew where a lot were going and I wasn't surprised by a lot at that point. I knew that the Democrats had taken the house and that the Senate was still a toss up. I followed the Senate story through out the day. Finally we know. The Democrats have taken the Senate as well. It is about time. Bush may start using his veto, and we may not get anything done, but that is far better then what has gone on for the past 6 years. That's not even the best part. I caught President Bush's press conference at about 10:15 this morning and i was overjoyed to find out that Donald Rummsfeld has resigned. It's about time.

I loved that I was able to keep up with this all day long. When I wasn't near a T.V. or a computer I could look on my phone to see the latest. Last night I was able to go online to get up to the minute results on any of the ballot issues or elections. I love how accessible everything is. It's amazing.


Anonymous said...

What do you mean by, "I knew where a lot were going"? Edit, revise, and double-check your writing before publishing.

Brooke Carpenter said...

I knew the progress of alot of the results at that point. It makes sense following the first sentance. It's in context.