Monday, November 06, 2006

Sometimes after I watch some of my favorite T.V. shows, I check out just to see what the writers of the website is saying about them. I added a few of the feed to my bloglines subscription so I can get whatever updates about those shows that come up. Two of those shows are How I Met Your Mother and Grey's Anatomy. They do weekly reviews of new episodes after they air. This is done for a large number of shows on many networks. You also learn many interesting tidbits. On the Grey's Anatomy feed they wrote that WebMD has a new blog that tells readers about the accuracy of conditions that aired on medical T.V. shows (for those of you who watch Grey's Anatomy on Thursday, yes, a woman can really have 2 uterus's and give birth to babies 6 weeks apart.)

So it was on TVSquad that I first heard that T.R. Knight is gay (George on Grey's). He said that he hoped it wasn't the most interesting thing about him. More power to him. Maybe more people should take his lead. Maybe they are. Yesterday I read that How I met Your Mother star, Neil Patrick Harris, who portrayed Doogie Houser, has said the he is "a very content gay man." Who knew? And Who cares? He was just as funny as the womanizing Barney on How I Met Your Mother this week as he ever was.

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