Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Next Stop, Propagada-land!

As the Nov. 7th election nears I am being beaten over the head by;
"Vote No..."
"Vote Yes..."
"So-and-so second rate politician is a sleazebag..."

It's everywhere. Tomorrow morning the phone will ring and there will be a recorded voice telling me who, or what i should, or should not vote for.

"Hi, this is Arnold...
...Al Gore...
...Jerry McNerny..."

This will happen through out the day. Then I will turn on the T.V. and I will see ads for all the same stuff. Later I will get in my car and there will be signs at every corner, and then I will get home at the end of the day and it will be 1/4 regular mail (junk or otherwise) and 3/4 political fliers.

It makes me want to pull my hair out, the lameness of it all.

I can't wait till November 8th, because then it will be over and I can answer my phone without worrying if Al Gore will be on the line telling me who to vote for.

I might be done with it, but Ray Haynes, self proclaimed political Junkie is a fan. He talks about the messages in political commercials losing their substance in their messaging. It's all about appeal.

"Take California's No on 90 campaign. They are trying to have it both ways. The “taxpayer trap” words are trying to get Republicans and the “environment” language is trying to get Democrats. They are wrong on both counts, but that is why they are doing it. Messaging."

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